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Gain competitive advantages in North Iceland!

AFE - Eyjafjordur IPA
AFE is an Investment Promotion Agency for the Eyjafjordur region with local government responsibility for securing new investment from overseas in manufacturing and international services sectors. AFE also encourages existing enterprises in North Iceland to expand their businesses.

Several companies have chosen Iceland for business operations such as Alcoa, Alcan, Columbia Ventures and Elkem. 

Why invest in North Iceland?

  • One of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world
  • Large, untapped, renewable and clean energy resources
  • Reliable power supply at low cost
  • Very good industrial sites with safe, deepwater harbours
  • Mid Atlantic location with modern infrastructure
  • The youngest and one of the best educated populations in Europe.
  • Lowest costs in Europe. 
  • High quality of life. 
  • Diverse and multiplying industrial investment opportunities. 
  • Growth in traditional metal industries
  • Advanced technological projects such as genetics. 
  • Industries open to participation by overseas investors.
  • EEA membership - tariff-free access to the European market
  • Well educated, multilingual and flexible workforce
  • Efficient environmental regulatory system
  • Political and economic stability
  • Supportive government policy

August 2003
19.08.2003   Alcoa chooses partners for Icelandic smelter

Alcoa recently announced that it has chosen Bechtel and its partner, an Icelandic engineering consortium, HRV (Hönnun, Rafhönnun, VST), to design and build its new plant in East Iceland, which is being designed for production of 322,000-metric-ton-per-year of primary aluminum.more

11.04.2003   Iceland in leading position in R&D and innovation
Iceland has a leading position within the OECD countries regarding contributions to research and development work according to estimates by the Research Council of Iceland for 2001. Iceland contributes over 3% of its GDP to R&D, which is among the highest within the OECD countries. The European Union decided in Lisbon in 2000 that all member countries should contribute 3% of GDP to research and development and that two-thirds of those contributions should come from private companies. This is meant to increase the importance of science and technology. Iceland was the third European Economic Area country to reach this target.

1.04.2003   Data centers are 100% more profitable in Iceland than in the USA
Iceland is the lowest-cost country in Europe and the most competitive location for large International Data Centers according to an International Business Cost Study conducted by KPMG. Iceland has the lowest business cost among all the ten countries presented for nine of the fourteen operations examined, including all software and R&D operations.

10.03.2003  New submarine cable linking Iceland and the UK

Farice hf. has signed a turn-key contract with Pirelli for laying of a new fibre-optic submarine system, worth 30.7 million euros. This new submarine system will interconnect Icelandic, Faroese and Scottish telecommunication networks, providing city to city service between Reykjavík and Edinburgh. The construction of the system will be completed before the end of 2003.

28.01.2003   Alcoa in Iceland

Alcoa Board of Directors has approved plans for a construction of a 322,000-metric ton aluminum facility in Eastern Iceland.more

25.09.2002   Discussions with authoroties about an aluminium smelter in Eyjafjordur

Atlantal representatives are interested in building an aluminium plant at Dysnes in Eyjafjörur and a alumina plant near Húsavík.  They visited the area recently and met representatives from AFE and Akureyri. The plants togeater will create  1.500 new jobs. more

15.06.2002   Iceland #2 in a KPMG international business cost study
Iceland is the second lowest-cost country overall and the lowest-cost country in Europe in the 2002 report “Business Costs in Iceland” published by KPMG.

The Commerce and Tourism Office of Eyjafjordur
Glerargata 36 • 600 Akureyri • Iceland • Tel. (+354) 460 5700 • Fax (+354) 463 0998
E-mail [email protected] • Homepage www.eyjafordur.is