Welcome to International Investors
local business environment in northeast Iceland
is very suitable for industrial growth. During
the last few years local governments have planned
quite a few industrial development zones throughout
the area. The main sites are situated near the
towns of Akureyri and Husavik.
zones cover land destined for large factories
as well as light industrial enterprises. Delivery
of energy to these sites is available on short
transportation within the region is favourable
and there are good harbours, which can cope with
the servicing of large freighters and transport
of heavy materials. Thus there is easy access
for the import of raw materials to the area as
well as the loading of vessels and transportation
of goods.
areas main airport is conveniently located
right outside of Akureyri. The airport is the
main domestic airport outside Reykjavik, as well
as being the international airport for the northern
part of Iceland.