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Available Industry Sites

Sites in general

The Eyjafjordur area has a great potential to investors in smaller energy & technology based investments.

Most sites are owned by local municipalities and leased to the industry on annual rental basis.  Lease of land based on the average industry utilization rate of 33%. (i.e.1/3 of land is occupied by the plant buildings)is 2,8%of the official valuation price of land.  In a typical example of a 6000 m 2 land with a 2000 m 2 property a value of about $14/m 2 the annual rental fee is about $2376/yr.

§Available sites:

Rangárvellir:  The municipal plan for Akureyri 1998-2018 assumes an 65.000m2 industrial area at the site Rangarvellir.  Its just west of the residental area in Akureyri with the nearby road leading to the ski-resort of Akureyri.  The site is well located with respect to water and electrical power supply, with the utility company, Nordurorka, across the street. http://www.no.is 

DYSNES:  Much effort is put forth in developing the Dysnes greenfield site, in the sense that virtually no site preperation has taken place.  The site is located in Eyjafjordur, some 16 km north of Akureyri in a thinly populated rural area, central in the Eyjafjordur region, where all common infrastructure can be established on short notice.  The size of the industrial site is 120.000 ha located in a declining farming area at elevation 18-24 m.a.s.l.  The ground is morain bedrock under organic topsoil.

Harbour conditions at Dysnes must be rated favorable both from economic and operational point of view. A preliminary harbour design is a conventional sheet piling construction with two berths.  An outer berth 200 m long with 12,5 m draft was designed for large carriers up to 60.000 dwt and an innert berth 120 m long with 8 m draft was provided for freighters.  

Increased emphasis on actively seeking other / smaller investment opportunities.


Property taxes and annual municipal fees

Annual fees to the municipality of a 2000 m 2 plant:

•Property tax plus water and sewer taxes are 1,93%of official real estate value (official evaluation of all buildings in Iceland for tax purposes)including the value of the land the property is based on.Typical "official real estate value " of an industrial building is about $550-580/m 2

•Therefore,the annual municipal tax of a 2000 m 2 bldg.are approx.$23.695. (1,93%*($571/m 2 *2000m 2 +$14/m 2 *6000m 2 ))

Building allowance fee.

A one-time initial charge of $43/m 2 of new buildings plus a fixed amount of about $1430 is taken for new constructions.A 2000 m 2 plant (with a typical land utilization of 33%)would run about $88.230.

Standard Construction Cost per square meter

Production Plant:700-1.000 USD/m2

Residential House:1.000-1.400 USD/m2

These figures are guidelines.A large structure can be cheaper than this and tendering among contractors may at times produce very attractive bids.


Investment Promotion Agency for the Eyjafjordur Region
Glerargata 36 • 600 Akureyri • Iceland • Tel. (+354) 460 5700 • Fax (+354) 463 0998
E-mail [email protected] • Homepage afe.is